Cookeville First Cumberland Presbyterian Youth Group is comprised of students 5th through 12th grade. During their time in youth group, participants will experience being part of a community that fosters a relationship with God through Bible Study, Prayer, Fellowship, and service. The goal of the Youth Ministry Program of CFCPC is take Christ to youth in a way that leaves a lasting impact that changes their lives. In this group, we deepen our faith, while building relationships with both fellow youth and adult leaders. All are welcomed!
Wednesday Night Youth Group
Each Wednesday night youth meet as a large group in the sanctuary for a time of worship and prayer. After that, youth will be dismissed to various activities such as Bible Study, games, tie dye nights, Scavenger Hunts, Prayer Stations, and more. This is a time we put the world away and allow ourselves to focus on God for one hour.
Other Regular Events…
Church Camp and Fall Retreat
During the year, Youth have the chance to attend a week long camp and a three day Fall Retreat at Crystal Springs with youth from the Presbytery and Synod. During this time, we give up the luxuries of our everyday lives and draw closer to God. Each year, a theme scripture is selected to focus on. Student’ time is spent unpacking that theme in small group discussion, worship, morning devotions, and recreation.
Fall Retreat serves as a small scale church camp that gives youth a chance to get away from the busy school year and escape to the quite of Crystal Springs.
Following worship, youth enter into a quiet time where they are encouraged to sit and listen to God through journaling, scripture, reading and/or prayer. Youth have often said this is their favorite part of camp.
Presbyterian Youth Triennium
Every three years the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), Cumberland Presbyterian Church and Cumberland Presbyterian Church in America gather thousands of young people together for worship, Bible Study and recreation at the Presbyterian Youth Triennium – otherwise known as PYT. This week brings 5,000 youth together at Purdue University. This event ministers to youth in a completely different way than any other event. Each year has elements of worship, community came, groups, and recreation just like our other youth events. However, with 5,000 youth gathered in one place, you see and experience everything with more energy and passion for God than words can describe.
Cumberland Presbyterian Youth Conference
The Cumberland Presbyterian Youth Conference pulls together youth from all around the world to grow together. This conference style week brings youth a different experience than camp by leaving them with some comforts from home while still drawing them out of their typical life. Small groups where youth can build a community with people who come from all different backgrounds and learn from one another. Worship, incorporates drama and different cultures so that youth can experience God in a different way. Evenings are spent having fun with illusionists, game shows, and enjoying 9 square.
MLK Weekend Retreat
During Martin Luther King Jr. weekend the youth are invited to gather for a time of retreat. Unlike other youth events, the nature of this weekend is to bond together as First Cumberland Presbyterian Youth rather than with others from the denomination. Youth are placed in devotion groups and housed with fellow youth group members. During this weekend each year, we come together and form new friendships and make memories that will be talked about for many years to come.