Praying Hands

Christian Education

We believe in the importance of worshiping God. We also believe that it is important to grow in knowledge to be the best disciple we can be. Therefore, Christian Education is highly important to us. The aim of Christian Education is to teach and to learn more about our Lord’s teachings. Participating in Christian Education provides an unequaled opportunity to do that and allows us to develop and nurture relationships with fellow Christians.

At First Cumberland Presbyterian Church we offer various classes during Sunday School on Sunday mornings and our Wednesday Night Connection (see below)…

Sunday School

All of our classes offer a time of study at 9:50am on Sunday morning and the opportunity to come together for social events. We have classes for everyone. Children and youth are invited to participate in classes with others their age. This allows them to make new friends and grow in a more comfortable environment. Adults are offered several different classes based upon their interests. Our greeters and staff would be more than happy to help you find where these classes meet.

Foundation Class

This class is oriented toward young to middle aged singles and married couples in the church family. They do not have a company-based curriculum; instead, they select material that focuses on issues that challenge the spiritual health of young Christians.

Pathfinders Class

Pathfinders is comprised of students seeking to explore various principles set forth in the Bible and Jesus’ teachings. While the Cumberland Presbyterian curriculum books are used most of the time, it is not uncommon to find these folks looking to other sources for additional information.

Good News Class

This class uses a variety of teaching techniques to present the teachings of the Bible. David C. Cook serves as a basis of informative study most of the time, but lots of inspirational material supplements the learning process.

Friendship Class

This close-knit group of “getting close to the senior years” people uses a teaching series called Encounter. Phillip Wynne functions as leader/teacher and is assisted in planning social events by his wife, Belinda.

Women of the Word

This unique class is designed for women. The group identifies topics in which they are interested and seeks to find material that offers insight and instruction relating to that area of study. Women of any age are invited to attend the class.

College Age

This class is one that is designed for those who are exiting adolescence and entering into a new stage of life. Cindy Putz leads this class in discussions and studies of topics in this particular group.

Children And Youth Classes

Our children attend classes that are based on a graded program system. A variety of curriculum is used, including lessons and activities, for each of the classes ages 3 through grade twelve. Members of the congregation volunteer to serve as teachers/leaders for each of the grade levels.

Church Nursery

Kiona Gentry and volunteers from the church congregation work in our church nursery which is available for children ages 5 and under. The nursery is an option for parents who wish to attend church worship services, and is also offered during the Sunday School hour and most special services. During this time, bible lessons and activities are incorporated for children who are old enough to participate.

Pastor’s Class

Once a year, the ministers lead a group of children through the process of salvation and church membership. The class is mainly for children ages nine to twelve, but there have been younger attendees.

Inquirer’s Class

This class is designed specifically for those regular visitors who are interested in placing their membership with the Cookeville First Cumberland Presbyterian Church. For a season each year, this class gathers in the office of the senior pastor where particulars about the Cumberland Presbyterian Church and Cookeville Cumberland Presbyterian Church are shared. This class is not mandatory for church membership.

The Connection Program

The Connection Program offers members of the church an opportunity for spiritual growth as individuals while it strengthens the special bond we share with each other as brothers and sisters in Christ.

We congregate on Wednesday nights for food, fellowship and education.  A great dinner is served in the Fellowship Hall at 5:15pm, followed by classes and activities for all ages.

In order to plan for the meal, we need an accurate headcount each week.  You may choose to make a commitment by choosing to make a standing reservation for the weekly dinners or you can indicate your attendance on a week-to-week basis. Reservations can be made by completing a reservation card found on the narthex table, by calling the office at 931-526-6585 or by completing the form at the bottom of this page. Please submit your reservations by Tuesday morning at 10am.

Wednesday Connection Schedule

5:15 PM                      Dinner

6:00 PM                    Children’s Classes

6:00 PM                     Youth Group Meetings

6:00 PM                      Twisted Stitchers

6:15 PM                      Adult Class

Wednesday Connection Dinner RSVP Form
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