Children are an important part of the church family at First Cumberland Presbyterian Church. From the beginning of life, each child is considered a part of the church. We seek to offer a chance for each child to grow in their understanding of who they are, who they are to God, and who God can be for them. We offer several opportunities in which your child is welcome to participate. We provide a fun, safe environment for your children to grow and learn.
Nursery School
The Cumberland Presbyterian Nursery School facility opened in 1967 to serve the childcare needs of families in the community. Children ranging in age from six weeks to 5 years old are eligible for admission. When school is dismissed (during the summer and Fall/Spring breaks), care is offered for children up to age 12.
For more information, visit our Cumberland Presbyterian Nursery School page.
Sunday School
Our children attend classes that are based on a graded program system. Group Publishing provides a curriculum, including lessons and activities, for each of the classes ages 3 through grade twelve. Members of the congregation volunteer to serve as teachers/leaders for each of the grade levels.
Church Nursery
Kiona Weast and volunteers from the church congregation work in our church nursery which is available for children ages 5 and under. The nursery is an option for parents who wish to attend church worship services, and is also offered during the Sunday School hour and most special services. During this time, bible lessons and activities are incorporated for children who are old enough to participate.
Children’s Church
During both of our Sunday morning worship services, the children are invited to the front of the sanctuary for a children’s lesson prepared and delivered by the pastor.
Vacation Bible School
Each summer, the church offers a week of Vacation Bible School for the children of our church and community. During the week we offer bible lessons, recreation, crafts, and dinner or snacks for the children.
We offer a couple of different camp options for your children.
As early as kindergarten, they are invited to travel to Bethel University in McKenzie, Tennessee for a one night stay as we participate in “Cumberland Presbyterian Children’s Fest.” Your child will get to meet other youth and leaders from across the denomination as they learn and play.
Once your child has completed third grade, they are invited to participate in a week-long camp at Crystal Springs Church Camp. They will spend the week with other Cumberland Presbyterian youth from Middle Tennessee as they learn more about their Savior, swim, and play games.